download 2.0c

Pcmav selalu meluncurkan versi baru setiap sebulan sekali,, setelah kemarin versi 2.0b.. sekarang telah direlease versi baru yaitu 2.0c
beberapa tambahan update antivirus ditambah 51 virus lokal jadi totalnya 2771 virus...
antivirus ini juga ampuh dalam memberantas virus conficker...
Hal-hal yang baru dan perbaikan yang dilakukan pada PCMAV 2.0c berdasarkan file readme.txt yang disertakan adalah sebagai berikut:

* UPDATED! Ditambahkan database pengenal dan pembersih 51 virus lokal/ asing/varian baru yang dilaporkan menyebar di Indonesia. Total 2771 virus beserta variannya, termasuk varian virus Conficker yang canggih, yang banyak beredar di Indonesia telah dikenal di versi 2.0c ini.
* UPDATED! Cleaner dan RTP sudah mendukung generasi terbaru engine ClamAV 0.95.
* UPDATED! Ditambahkan pembersih khsusus yang dapat menangani virus Risa yang banyak melakukan perubahan pada konfigurasi Windows.
* BUG FIXED! Cleaner terkadang tidak dapat dijalankan saat RTP dalam keadaan aktif. Masalah ini diakibatkan masih adanya proses yang "gantung" di memory.
* BUG FIXED! RTP dalam kondisi tertentu mendeteksi Cleaner (atau sebaliknya) sebagai "virus suspected".
* BUG FIXED! Di beberapa kondisi dan konfigurasi komputer tertentu, terkadang RTP tidak mau dijalankan dan menampikan pesan kesalahan "For first usage or upgrading to newer version, …"
* IMPROVED! Kini engine advanced heuristic dapat lebih optimal dalam mendeteksi varian virus polymorphic yang banyak menyebar di Indonesia.
* IMPROVED! Unit Automatic Updates dioptimalkan agar lebih thread safe.
* BUG FIXED! Kesalahan deteksi (false alarm) heuristik pada beberapa program dan script.
* IMPROVED! Isi laporan PCMAV.LOG.
* UPDATED! Isi ketentuan README.TXT.
* IMPROVED! Perubahan beberapa nama virus mengikuti varian baru yang ditemukan.
* IMPROVED! Perbaikan beberapa minor bug dan improvisasi kode internal untuk memastikan bahwa PCMAV tetap dapat menjadi antivirus kebanggaan Indonesia.
download pc mav
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Award ke dua dari blog Facechan

Wah.. pas gw lagi ngebuka blog gw...
gw ngeliat dishoutmix ada pesan yang berisi silahkan ambil award... terus gw buka tuh situs yang ngasih award...
ternyata benar... hehe...
ga nyangka banget..

Award itu bisa menjadi mempererat persahabatan...
sekaligus pemacu agar lebih semangat lagi dalam ngeblog...

thanks ya buat


Petunjuk Award
1. Letakkan awardnya diblogmu dengan cara copy paste code dibawah award aku
2. Pasang link si pemberi award
3. Sebarkan award ini ke 10 blog lainnya
4. Pasang link si penerima award
5. Tinggalkan pesan di shoutbox atau post comment supaya mereka tau udah dapet award

semoga sukses selalu...

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download IDM

cara paling cepet untuk mendownload adalah menggunakan software IDM, internet Download manager..
internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 500 percent, resume and schedule downloads.

Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.

Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads.

During the download process Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically, unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before the download starts Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance.

Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, directories with authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing, and a large number of directory listing formats.

IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads.

You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Other features
include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, built-in download accelerator, scheduler pro, sounds on events, HTTPS support, queue processor, pipelining of ftp commands, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), command line parameters, and many others.

Download : Internet Download Manager v5.12 Incl Crack

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install OpenSuse 11.0

Open Suse, salah satu distribusi Linux yang cukup populer di Indonesia. Banyak juga miling list, atau situs- situs dan forum tentang Open Suse yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Jadi kita dengan mudah dapat mencari informasi tentang Open Suse di Internet.
Gw juga mulai tertarik dengan Open Suse, kemarin gw coba download OpenSuse 11.0 yang merupakan versi terbaru Open Suse. Distribusi Linux yang menggunakan lambang bunglon hijau ini memiliki tampilan yang sangat ciamik, indah ga kalah dengan Ubuntu.
Malah boleh dibilang lebih colorful dibanding Ubuntu. Kemarin gw coba download yang KDE live Cd, trus gw coba untuk jalanin live cd nya.
Proses awal bootingnya memang terkesan lama sekali,bisa lebih dari 15 menit. Entah mengapa?? Setelah gw sabar menunggu, munculah tampilan dari Open SUse 11.0 KDE,
Gw cukup berdecak kagum, ternyata desktop awalnya indah. Bisa dibilang hampir sama dengan MAC OSX. Langsung gw coba otak-atik tuh Open SUse, buka-buka aplikasinya yang sudah terinstall. Wah ternyata cukup lengkap juga, Pengolah kata ada, Pemutar lagu ada, Pemutar Video ada,.

Akhirnya coba gw pertama kali tuh jalanin aplikasi pemutar lagu, namanya Amarok. Ternyata sama seperti Ubuntu, aplikasi Amarok tidak dapat langsung menjalankan file-file audio, mp3,dll. Masih ada codec-codec yang belum terinstall. Cukup kecewa juga sih. Kalau begitu gw harus coba cari codec-codecnya. Tapi tidak terlalu sulit, karena dengan bantuan “Om Google” gw bisa searching-searching tuh codec.
Namun ada hal yang masih gw bingung, ternyata HardDisk yang ada partisi Windows gw, ga kebaca di OpenSuse, dalam kasus ini gw masih ga ngerti. Masih cari cara biar bisa ngebaca.
Ternyata OpenSuse beda dengan UBuntu yang cukup dengan Mount media, otomatis harddisk akan terbaca.

Buat loe yang mau download OpenSuse bisa klik disini Download OpenSuse 11.0

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US Marshall berdamai dengan Hacker Turki

Lagi-lagi berita tentang Amerika Serikat.. Saat ini yang menjadi topik pembicaraan adalah , US ARMY.
dalam situsnya menjelaskan, Departemen Pertahanan saat ini sedang menyelidiki pelanggaran keamanan di dua server Web milik US Army. Website host pada server yang didefaced oleh anti-AS kolektif Turki hacking yang menyebut dirinya m0sted.

Menurut laporan investigasi leaked diperoleh Informasi bahwa, insiden deface ini terjadi pada Januari 2009 dan server yang dideface ada di Army's McAlester ammunition di Plant McAlester, Oklahoma. Hacker meng inject kode kedalam legit website, akibatnya pengunjung yang mengunjungi website tersebut akan di direct ke situs eksternal yang menampilkan protes terhadap Amerika.

Para hacker menggunakan SQL Injection dalam mendeface website tersebut. Mereka memanfaatkan kelemahan dari SQL Server Database.Para penyelidik forensik, yang tergabung dari para pejabat Departemen Pertahanan dan US Army Judge Advocate General's Office dan US Computer Emergency Response Team (US-Cert),menyatakan belum ditentukan jika ada data sensitif lain telah diambil dari server.

Kedua server sasaran yang sama kembali pada bulan September 2007 yang dioperasikan oleh Army Corps of Engineers. Serangan juga diarahkan pengunjung ke situs web pihak ketiga, yang Namun, pada saat kejadian,
situs ini yang anti-AS dan anti-Israel dan pesan gambar

anggota M0sted yang terkenal defacer jahat telah membuat PBB merasakan serangannya,
Situs resmi Ban Ki-moon, Sekretaris Jenderal Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, telah dimodifikasi menjadi "Hacked By kerem125 M0sted dan Gsy Itulah CyberProtest "Hey Usa dan Ysrail jangan membunuh anak-anak dan orang lain untuk Perdamaian, selamanya tidak perang."

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jaringan komputer FBI "mati" diserang virus

saat browsing-browsing mencari artikel yang menarik, saya tertarik sekali dengan berita tentang komputer FBI yang terkena virus tersebut..
Sungguh mengherankan sebuah agen yang sangat besar seperti FBI ternyata bisa terkena virus.. Ini menandakan bahwa setiap komputer tidak ada yang benar- benar aman dari virus.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan resmi yang diposting pada website, FBI yang mencoba untuk menjelaskan apa yang ia klaim "faktual kesalahan dan ketidakakuratan" dalam laporan media mengenai kejadian it. Biro sementara tidak mengatakan bahwa kejadian ini sebuah pelanggaran keamanan, ia menekankan bahwa hanya dengan unclassified jaringan yang terpengaruh.

padahal akibat virus tersebut dapat membuat jaringan komputer FBI shutdown..
entah merupakan kesengajaan para pembuat virus, atau human error dari internal FBI..

lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca berita ini..

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was confronted with a cyber-security incident last week when a virus penetrated its unclassified network. The unnamed threat prompted technicians to shut down the network and the e-mail system associated with it for 48 hours.

In an official statement posted on its website, the FBI attempts to clarify what it claims are "factual errors and inaccuracies" in media reports regarding the incident. While the Bureau does not negate the security breach, it stresses that only its unclassified network was affected.

Furthermore, it explains that it wasn't the virus that caused the network shutdown, but FBI's own technicians, who were trying to contain the issue and address it. "The external, unclassified network was shut down by the FBI as a precautionary measure. Within 48 hours of identifying the issue and mitigating risks, e-mail traffic was largely restored to the external, unclassified network," is noted in the press release.

Responding to reports that communication with other law enforcement agencies has been disrupted, the Bureau clarifies that the unclassified network is only used for "routine communications and messages." Furthermore, it is noted that information exchange regarding "sensitive and investigative matters" is handled by a different e-mail system, on its classified network, which "was never affected."

The Law Enforcement Online (LEO), an Internet-based system operated by the FBI for sharing sensitive but unclassified communication and information with international, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, has also remained fully functional during this incident.

The Bureau did not specify how the virus, which is also reported to have affected the U.S. Marshals Service, infected systems on its unclassified network. However, one particular statement might point to malicious e-mail attachments as being the point of entry.

"[...] the FBI has temporarily self-imposed a limit on sending and receiving attachments on our external, unclassified network to give our technicians time to scan all the attachments that came into the e-mail system to make sure we have identified and mitigated all threats to the network," the press release reads.
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history c++

source : wikipedia
Stroustrup began work on C with Classes in 1979. The idea of creating a new language originated from Stroustrup's experience in programming for his Ph.D. thesis. Stroustrup found that Simula had features that were very helpful for large software development, but the language was too slow for practical use, while BCPL was fast but too low-level and unsuitable for large software development. When Stroustrup started working in Bell Labs, he had the problem of analyzing the UNIX kernel with respect to distributed computing. Remembering his Ph.D. experience, Stroustrup set out to enhance the C language with Simula-like features. C was chosen because it is general-purpose, fast, and portable. Besides C and Simula, some other languages which inspired him were ALGOL 68, Ada, CLU and ML. At first, the class, derived class, strong type checking, inlining, and default argument features were added to C via Cfront.

The first commercial release occurred in October 1985.
In 1983, the name of the language was changed from C with Classes to C++. New features were added including virtual functions, function name and operator overloading, references, constants, user-controlled free-store memory control, improved type checking, and a new single-line comment style with two forward slashes (//). In 1985, the first edition of The C++ Programming Language was released, providing an important reference to the language, as there was not yet an official standard. In 1989, Release 2.0 of C++ was released. New features included multiple inheritance, abstract classes, static member functions, const member functions, and protected members. In 1990, The Annotated C++ Reference Manual was published. This work became the basis for the future standard. Late addition of features included templates, exceptions, namespaces, new casts, and a Boolean type.
As the C++ language evolved, a standard library also evolved with it. The first addition to the C++ standard library was the stream I/O library which provided facilities to replace the traditional C functions such as printf and scanf. Later, among the most significant additions to the standard library, was the Standard Template Library.
After years of work, a joint ANSI- ISO committee standardized C++ in 1998 ( ISO/IEC 14882:1998). For some years after the official release of the standard in 1998, the committee processed defect reports, and published a corrected version of the C++ standard in 2003. In 2005, a technical report, called the " Library Technical Report 1" (often known as TR1 for short) was released. While not an official part of the standard, it gives a number of extensions to the standard library which are expected to be included in the next version of C++. Support for TR1 is growing in almost all currently maintained C++ compilers.
While the C++ language is royalty-free, the standard document itself is not freely available.
The name "C++"
This name is credited to Rick Mascitti (mid-1983) and was first used in December 1983. Earlier, during the research period, the developing language had been referred to as "new C", then " C with Classes". The final name stems from C's "++" operator (which increments the value of a variable) and a common naming convention of using "+" to indicate an enhanced computer program. According to Stroustrup: "the name signifies the evolutionary nature of the changes from C". C+ was the name of an earlier, unrelated programming language.
Stroustrup addressed the origin of the name in the preface of later editions of his book, The C++ Programming Language, adding that "C++" might be inferred from the appendix of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. Of the three segments of the fictional language Newspeak, the "C vocabulary" is the one dedicated to technical terms and jargon. "Doubleplus" is the superlative modifier for Newspeak adjectives. Thus, "C++" might hold the meaning "most extremely technical or jargonous" in Newspeak.

When Rick Mascitti was questioned informally in 1992 about the naming, he indicated that it was given in a tongue-in-cheek spirit. He never thought that it would become the formal name of the language.
Future development
C++ continues to evolve to meet future requirements. One group in particular,, works to make the most of C++ in its current form and advises the C++ standards committee as to which features work well and which need improving. Current work indicates that C++ will capitalize on its multi-paradigm nature more and more. The work at Boost, for example, is greatly expanding C++'s functional and metaprogramming capabilities. A new version of the C++ standard is currently being worked on, entitled "C++0X" (denoting the fact it is expected to be released before 2010) which will include a number of new features

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history of ubuntu

source : wikipedia

Ubuntu ( IPA pronunciation: /u'buntu/) is a widely used Linux distribution predominantly targeted at personal computers. Based on Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu concentrates on usability, regular releases, ease of installation, and freedom from legal restrictions. Ubuntu is sponsored by Canonical Ltd., a private company founded by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth.
The name of the distribution comes from the Zulu and Xhosa concept of ubuntu, and can be roughly defined as, "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". Ubuntu’s slogan – “Linux for Human Beings”, encapsulates one of its main goals – making Linux more available and easy to use.
The most recent version, Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), was released on April 19, 2007. Version 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is scheduled for release on October 18, 2007.
History and development
Originally referred to as, Ubuntu's first release on October 20, 2004 (version 4.10, following the "Y.MM" standard) began as a temporary fork of Debian GNU/Linux, with the aim of drawing from Debian's code regularly in order to allow for a new version of Ubuntu to be released every six months, in step with the six month GNOME release cycle. In contrast to other general-purpose forks of Debian such as Xandros, Linspire and Libranet, Canonical remains close to Debian's philosophy with Ubuntu and uses predominantly free software rather than making the inclusion of proprietary applications part of their business model.
Ubuntu uses Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool to manage installed packages. Ubuntu packages are generally based on packages from Debian's unstable repository; however, they are not always compatible with each other. Several Ubuntu developers are also maintainers of packages within Debian's repositories, and Ubuntu changes are contributed back to Debian as they are made, rather than being announced only at release time. Ian Murdock, the founder of Debian, criticised Ubuntu in April 2005 for incompatibilities between its packages and those of Debian sarge, saying that Ubuntu had diverged too far to remain compatible.
Bugs in Ubuntu are tracked through the Launchpad web interface, which integrates with the Bazaar version control system in a similar way to SourceForge's integration with CVS.
Ubuntu is currently funded by Mark Shuttleworth through Canonical Ltd. On July 8, 2005, Canonical announced the creation of the Ubuntu Foundation and provided an initial funding of US$10 million. The purpose of the foundation is to ensure the support and development for all future versions of Ubuntu, but as of 2006, the foundation remains dormant. Shuttleworth describes the foundation as an emergency fund should Canonical's involvement end.
On May 1, 2007 Dell announced it would sell desktops and laptops with Ubuntu pre-installed. It also stated that customers would be able to buy support for Ubuntu through Dell, the support coming from Canonical.
Ubuntu uses GNOME as its default desktop environment, intended to provide a free, simple and intuitive interface. Whilst offering a full range of desktop applications including, Mozilla Firefox and GIMP, it aims to avoid overlap in its default feature set rather than providing many different variants of similar packages.
After the initial Ubuntu installation, the user is greeted by a default desktop with no desktop icons and an orange-brown user interface, unusual in an operating system as nearly all others use blue as their default colour. Applications are located under the 'Applications menu', a desktop launcher menu in the top-left corner. Open windows can be viewed on the taskbar along the bottom of the screen. Ubuntu is available in over 40 languages, and also allows users to submit additional translations using the Rosetta Translation tool.
Ubuntu's focus on usability includes the widespread use of the sudo tool, which allows users to carry out administrative tasks without initiating a potentially unsafe superuser session.

Originally referred to as, Ubuntu's first release on October 20, 2004 (version 4.10, following the "Y.MM" standard) began as a temporary fork of Debian GNU/Linux, with the aim of drawing from Debian's code regularly in order to allow for a new version of Ubuntu to be released every six months, in step with the six month GNOME release cycle. In contrast to other general-purpose forks of Debian such as Xandros, Linspire and Libranet, Canonical remains close to Debian's philosophy with Ubuntu and uses predominantly free software rather than making the inclusion of proprietary applications part of their business model.
Ubuntu uses Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool to manage installed packages. Ubuntu packages are generally based on packages from Debian's unstable repository; however, they are not always compatible with each other. Several Ubuntu developers are also maintainers of packages within Debian's repositories, and Ubuntu changes are contributed back to Debian as they are made, rather than being announced only at release time. Ian Murdock, the founder of Debian, criticised Ubuntu in April 2005 for incompatibilities between its packages and those of Debian sarge, saying that Ubuntu had diverged too far to remain compatible.
Bugs in Ubuntu are tracked through the Launchpad web interface, which integrates with the Bazaar version control system in a similar way to SourceForge's integration with CVS.
Ubuntu is currently funded by Mark Shuttleworth through Canonical Ltd. On July 8, 2005, Canonical announced the creation of the Ubuntu Foundation and provided an initial funding of US$10 million. The purpose of the foundation is to ensure the support and development for all future versions of Ubuntu, but as of 2006, the foundation remains dormant. Shuttleworth describes the foundation as an emergency fund should Canonical's involvement end.
On May 1, 2007 Dell announced it would sell desktops and laptops with Ubuntu pre-installed. It also stated that customers would be able to buy support for Ubuntu through Dell, the support coming from Canonical.
Ubuntu uses GNOME as its default desktop environment, intended to provide a free, simple and intuitive interface. Whilst offering a full range of desktop applications including, Mozilla Firefox and GIMP, it aims to avoid overlap in its default feature set rather than providing many different variants of similar packages.
After the initial Ubuntu installation, the user is greeted by a default desktop with no desktop icons and an orange-brown user interface, unusual in an operating system as nearly all others use blue as their default colour. Applications are located under the 'Applications menu', a desktop launcher menu in the top-left corner. Open windows can be viewed on the taskbar along the bottom of the screen. Ubuntu is available in over 40 languages, and also allows users to submit additional translations using the Rosetta Translation tool.
Ubuntu's focus on usability includes the widespread use of the sudo tool, which allows users to carry out administrative tasks without initiating a potentially unsafe superuser session.
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